A closed Roman Catholic monastery in Delray Beach which sits on about 9 acres of property will likely be demolished in favor of 26 single-family homes following a decision by the city’s planning board.
Christ the King Monastery of St. Clare, located on a sprawling Sherwood Boulevard property in the Sherwood Park section, was built in 1967 by an Catholic order of cloistered nuns who used the facility as their living space, as well as a retreat center for visiting faithful. But like many religious facilities, the monastery faced increased maintenance obligations at the same time church attendance – and donations – were falling. The nuns, unable to sustain the building itself, first moved to sell the property to a company that planned to operate a nursing home at the site, but the plan was scuttled following considerable opposition from neighboring residents. In 2023, the property was sold to the influential national developer Toll Brothers for $8.5 million.
Last week, planning board members voted unanimously to approve an application that would allow the bulk of the property to be rezoned from “Community Facilities” to single-family residential, paving the way for the developer to propose what is expected to be a subdivision consisting of 26 homes. The previous zoning would not have allowed for residential development. Six lots directly parallel to Sherwood Boulevard that had already been zoned for a different density level of residential development will retain that designation.
Toll Brothers has already submitted applications for a major subdivision and site plan for common area improvements. The proposal will be reviewed separately by the planning board and city commission at a later time, however the site plan is eligible to be approved administratively since it will comply with the city’s zoning ordinance.
The 34,060 square foot monastery building is located, generally, at the center of the property and would be demolished in favor of the single-family homes. Theoretically, the parcel could support up to 47 homes in a low-density configuration, however Toll Brothers has proposed 26 homes. Based on a traffic study conducted by Palm Beach County, it is expected that the development would produce a maximum of 270 trips per day, with 19 occurring during the morning peak hour and 25 occurring during the evening peak.
The homes would be required to be constructed on lots that measure 7,500 square feet in area, with a height limit of 35-feet. The city will also require 25 percent of the property to remain as open space.

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